Your AI co-pilot for data management. 

Work smarter and faster, and bring more business users into the fold — with AI-driven enablement. The first CDP natively integrated with Generative AI, Lytics empowers you to streamline data operations across your organization, more efficiently and easier than ever before. 

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Get value from your data faster — with the power of AI.

Map, enrich, and activate your customer data better. (No guesswork, no inconsistencies, no compromises). Only with Lytics, you can leverage your CDP for Open AI and Vertex AI-enhanced data mapping and enrichment, audience creation, chat experiences, and journey orchestration.

Explore how Lytics + AI works

Shorten the path to insight with natural language, not SQL.

Adding Lytics AI-powered Profile context to purchase funnel and sales interaction has the potential to increase conversion rates at 30% or greater based on Lytics historical performance.  Time to create segments from BigQuery data and other data warehouses for campaign execution can be reduced by more than half with LLM-driven workflows and AI-powered schema automation can drastically reduce engineering support for data mapping. 

Leverage predictive AI for augmented schema and data mapping.

With Schema Co-pilot, your job is straightforward. Just bring your data, and we'll take care of the rest (including data cleaning, transformation, mapping, and identity resolution).

Build audiences with natural language.

Empower your business users and say goodbye to SQL (when you don’t need it). Use intuitive language prompts with our SQL Translator to use your data with ease, like “Hey Lytics, search BigQuery to find my premium subscribers whose subscription is about to expire. Do not include any PII in the result set, and make sure to hash the email address.”.

Lead with context and conversation

Our Customer Profile Contextual Chatbot goes beyond traditional chatbot interactions by leveraging the rich data inside your Lytics customer profiles. With 200+ attributes per profile, our contextual chatbot (powered by Vertex AI) is able to deeply understand each customer's unique preferences — and can provide tailored responses in real-time for more meaningful conversations.

Leverage infinite CDP connections

With Dynamic Destinations, all connections (not just the hundreds we offer today) are at your fingertips and can be managed with natural language, with templated exports powered by Large Language Models (LLMs).

 Build smarter, more strategic use cases with AI guidance

With Lytics Use Case Expert, from ideation to implementation, use AI insights to understand how you can use your data everywhere.

Regardless of whether your job is to manage data, or to use data, you have undoubtedly thought about how to utilize Gen-AI capabilities. By bringing these cutting-edge technologies to our customers, Lytics can support you in taking the first of many steps in that direction. Having Generative AI natively integrated into Lytics will shorten the timeline between collecting first-party data and using that data. And that’s what’ll make all the difference.”

- Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, President, Lytics

AI + Lytics = The CDP of the future, today.

With Lytics, you can harness the power of AI to streamline operations and access to first-party data. Democratizing data access and enhancing existing CDP capabilities with AI means more empowered teams, more intelligent decisioning, and less time spent on manual work that no longer needs to be manual.

Plus, mitigate future risk with a CDP partner dedicated to its obligation to focus business operations on strict adherence to data protection laws and principles. While the potential data privacy challenges for AI are still unknown, a CDP purpose-built for privacy-centricity is both a smart safeguard and a future-ready investment.